Changes For A Healthier Heart

With no time on hand to spend hours exercising and following strict diets, being physically active and eating healthy on a regular basis are important for a healthy heart.
When it comes to diet and exercise replacing everyday habits with better ones is easy and don’t take up any additional time.
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
• Walk to other departments within the office instead of making a phone call or sending an email.
• Housework increases your heart rate and is a good workout.
• Quit smoking - it has been found that smoking decreases HDL (‘Good cholesterol’) and causes an
imbalance in your cholesterol levels.
• Eat more greens – have 3-5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.
• Cut down on oily and fried food - Experts recommend that we do not eat those food more than once a
Both dietary and physical activity are key when trying to lower your cholesterol level. These healthy habits may not be the key to your fitness goals but they will definitely help your heart. Add it all up and you have a 40-minute workout and low-fat diet done for the day.