Nestlé® EveryDay® x MILO® Marble Cake | Nestlé Home of Good Skip to main content

Nestlé® EveryDay® x MILO® Marble Cake

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recipe by Nestlé® EveryDay®


  • 2 Eggs
  • 125 Grams Butter
  • 75 Grams Caster Sugar
  • 20 Grams Nestlé® EveryDay® Milk Powder
  • 80 Mililliters Warm Water
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 150 Grams Plain Flour
  • 3 Tablespoons Nestlé® EveryDay® Milk Powder
  • 6 Tablespoons MILO® Milk Powder
  • 4 Tablespoons Hot Water




Recipe Cooking Time










Step 01.

3 min

Whisk the butter with sugar until it turns pale and fluffy.

Step 02.

1 min

Add in eggs, one at a time and continue whisk for 1 minute. Pour in the vanilla essence.

Step 03.

3 min

Sift in plain flour, Nestlé® EveryDay® milk powder and baking powder. Using a spatula, fold the mixture well.

Step 04.

3 min

Pour in the Nestlé® EveryDay® milk and continue to stir till smooth.

Step 05.

2 min

Divide the batter into 2 portions.

Step 06.

2 min

Add MILO® mixture into one portion and mix it well.

Step 07.

2 min

Spread one layer of milk batter at the base of the 7" by 7.5” square lined cake tin and continue with another layer of MILO® batter.

Step 08.

5 min

Repeat these layering in alternating manner until completed.

Step 09.

2 min

On the last layer, drop small spots of the batter without MILO® and run a clean skewer through the batter to create a marble effect.

Step 10.

25 min

Bake in an air fryer at 170°’C for 20-25 minutes until cooked.

Step 11.

2 min

Once ready, serve with your favourite beverages

Nutrition Facts









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Nestlé® EveryDay® x MILO® Marble Cake


Prep: 23 mins
Cooking: 25 mins
Serve: 2 people


  • 2 Eggs
  • 125 Grams Butter
  • 75 Grams Caster Sugar
  • 20 Grams Nestlé® EveryDay® Milk Powder
  • 80 Mililliters Warm Water
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 150 Grams Plain Flour
  • 3 Tablespoons Nestlé® EveryDay® Milk Powder
  • 6 Tablespoons MILO® Milk Powder
  • 4 Tablespoons Hot Water


Step 01.

3 min

Ingredients on this step:

Whisk the butter with sugar until it turns pale and fluffy.

Step 02.

1 min

Ingredients on this step:

Add in eggs, one at a time and continue whisk for 1 minute. Pour in the vanilla essence.

Step 03.

3 min

Ingredients on this step:

Sift in plain flour, Nestlé® EveryDay® milk powder and baking powder. Using a spatula, fold the mixture well.

Step 04.

3 min

Ingredients on this step:

Pour in the Nestlé® EveryDay® milk and continue to stir till smooth.

Step 05.

2 min

Ingredients on this step:

Divide the batter into 2 portions.

Step 06.

2 min

Ingredients on this step:

Add MILO® mixture into one portion and mix it well.

Step 07.

2 min

Ingredients on this step:

Spread one layer of milk batter at the base of the 7" by 7.5” square lined cake tin and continue with another layer of MILO® batter.

Step 08.

5 min

Ingredients on this step:

Repeat these layering in alternating manner until completed.

Step 09.

2 min

Ingredients on this step:

On the last layer, drop small spots of the batter without MILO® and run a clean skewer through the batter to create a marble effect.

Step 10.

25 min

Ingredients on this step:

Bake in an air fryer at 170°’C for 20-25 minutes until cooked.

Step 11.

2 min

Ingredients on this step:

Once ready, serve with your favourite beverages

Nutrition Facts

  • carbohydrates: 42.33g
  • energykilocalories: 388.17kcal
  • fat: 21.27g
  • protein: 7.01g


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